Monday, October 19, 2009

Notes on Part II of Annotated Bibliographies

MLA no longer requires the use of URLs in MLA citations. Many of you are using the "old" MLA format which does require urls.

For those of you who are not using urls in your citations, I'm asking you to note the url for this assignment. I realize this is confusing as we transition from one edition of MLA to another.

For grading purposes, however, please indicate the url. This will save me time in locating your source. This is noted in your citations which you will get back in class.

Other items of note:

- Pay attention to appropriate use of "there" and "their"
- Try to avoid slang like, "breaks down" or "tells" and instead use "organizes" or "discusses"
- Avoid statements like, "They must be credible because they are at a university." What makes them credible? What is their education level? Research interests?