Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What's Due

Annotated Bibliography: Part 2 is due Thursday (2/28)

Reading #3: "The Infodiet: How Libraries Can Offer an Appetizing Alternative to Google" by Steven Bell. Chronicle of Higher Education (2/20/2004).
[Use library catalog to locate article - see steps below]

Post reading response on blog BY 3/11

- Go to the library homepage
- Click on "Search Catalog"
- Click on the "Journal Title" tab
- Type in "Chronicle of Higher Education"
- Click on "EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier Jan 1999-(last 1 month not available)"
- Find the article by clicking on "Search within this publication" and type in "Infodiet" in the second box (the box below "JN Chronicle of Higher Education")
- Click on "HTML Full Text" to retrieve the full text of the article